In the bustling environment of a screen printing or sign shop, communication is the lifeblood that keeps operations flowing smoothly. However, traditional methods like water cooler chats and email can be surprisingly slow and inefficient, leading to delays and confusion. In contrast, InkWorks offers a revolutionary approach through its Order Timeline feature, streamlining team communication and enhancing overall productivity.

Revolutionizing Communication

The typical sign or screen printing shop is a hive of activity. Designs are being created, orders processed, and products manufactured. In such a dynamic setting, communication needs to be quick and effective. Traditional methods like water cooler conversations, while fostering camaraderie, are informal and lack the structure necessary for clear, actionable communication. These casual chats often lead to miscommunications or forgotten details, which can ripple through the workflow causing delays and errors.

Email, on the other hand, though more formal and trackable, is not without its flaws. The nature of email communication is inherently slow. Messages can get buried under a pile of other emails, leading to delayed responses and a lack of real-time interaction. Additionally, the formal structure of emails often means that getting a quick answer to a simple question can take much longer than necessary.

The InkWorks Order Timeline: A Game-Changer

Enter InkWorks Order Timeline, a feature that revolutionizes how teams in print and sign shops communicate. This tool is designed to keep every team member on the same page, literally. The Order Timeline acts as a central hub where all communication related to a specific order is easily accessible. This means no more sifting through a cluttered inbox or trying to recall what was said at the water cooler yesterday.

The real-time nature of the Order Timeline allows for instant communication. Team members can quickly chat, share updates, and resolve issues as they arise, without the delay typical of emails. This immediacy not only speeds up the decision-making process but also ensures that everyone is always up-to-date with the latest information.

Benefits of Streamlined Communication

The impact of this streamlined communication approach is profound. First and foremost, it reduces the time taken to relay and receive information, thus speeding up the entire production process. When a designer needs quick approval on a design element, or production needs a clarification on a specific order detail, the answer is just a few clicks away on the Order Timeline.

Furthermore, this method of communication reduces the likelihood of errors. With all the relevant information in one place, the chances of miscommunication diminish significantly. Everyone has access to the same information, ensuring consistency across all stages of production.

Streamline Your Team Communication

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Enhancing Team Collaboration

The Order Timeline doesn’t just speed up communication; it enhances team collaboration. In a traditional setup, different departments often work in silos, with limited interaction. The Order Timeline, however, fosters a more collaborative environment. Team members from different departments can easily interact, share ideas, and work together to solve problems. This not only improves the quality of work but also boosts team morale, as everyone feels more connected and involved in the process.


In summary, the InkWorks Order Timeline is not just a communication tool; it's a catalyst for efficiency and collaboration. By moving away from slow and disjointed communication methods like water cooler chats and email, sign and print shops can enjoy faster, more accurate, and more efficient communication. This leads to smoother operations, fewer errors, and a more cohesive team environment.

Give InkWorks a shot at streamlining your team communication.

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